#$your_email_address="you@yourdomain.com"; ############################################################################## # DodosMail Version 2.5 # # Copyright 2001 Ying Zhang http://pure-essence.net/about/contact # # Created 09/04/01 Last Modified 11/23/06 # # Regretless.com http://www.regretless.com/ # ############################################################################## # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # # Copyright 2001-2006 Ying Zhang. All Rights Reserved. # # # # DodosMail may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as # # this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this # # code you agree to indemnify Ying Zhang from any liability that # # might arise from its use. # # # # Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is # # expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and # # make money off of my program. # # # # Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or # # in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.# ############################################################################## # # rev: 13-OCT-2008 - glia # rev: 21-SEP-2008 - glia # ############################################################################## # Vars directamente aquí en el procesador y no pasadas desde el formulario # /* these variables require customization */ // $required_fields = "subject,name,email,message"; $required_fields = "subject,nombre,email,mensaje"; // $name = $nombre; $name = strProper($nombre); // $nombre = $name; $message = $mensaje; $subject = "pd-glia"; $your_email_address = "glia@freeshell.org"; /* $your_email_address = "glia@pagina.de"; ## No acepta este mail por no estar en el mismo dominio */ $check_email_address = "yes"; # /* indicate below that you will use captcha */ $use_dodos_captcha = "yes"; # /* old variables for error page and output page are not replaced by css */ /* now you may choose to define the header and footer files for your dodosmail.php below */ $dodosmail_header_file = "header.php"; $dodosmail_footer_file = "footer.php"; # /* these variables are for the auto response email sent to your sender, */ /* feel free to disable by putting a "no" in the next line */ $autoresponse = "yes"; $owner_name = "glia"; $response_subject = "Tu mensaje va en camino!"; # $response_mail = "Esta es una respuesta automática. Gracias!"; # lo que sigue se movió más abajo para incluír el nombre de quien envía el mensaje /* $response_mail = "Hola " . $name . ".\nGracias por visitar mi página.\n\nSi tu mensaje requiere una respuesta, la recibirás dentro de poco en tu e-mail.\n\nEntretanto, te invito a que explores dentro de la http://pagina.de/glia ,\nEspero que encuentres algo que te interese.\n\n-- \nSaludos!\nglia@pagina.de\n"; */ # # /* if you want dodosmail to do redirection, uncomment the following and edit appropriately */ /* */ $after_url = "ok.htm"; # ############################################################################## if(empty($_GET) && empty($_POST)) { die('Please do not access this file directly. Visit dodo\'s scripts collection for more information!'); } // emular register_globals on if (!ini_get('register_globals')) { $superglobales = array($_SERVER, $_ENV, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_POST, $_GET); if (isset($_SESSION)) { array_unshift($superglobales, $_SESSION); } foreach ($superglobales as $superglobal) { extract($superglobal, EXTR_SKIP); } } // to prevent header injection if (eregi("\r",$_POST['your_email_address']) || eregi("\n",$_POST['your_email_address'])){ exit('Please do not exploit this file. Visit dodo\'s scripts collection for more information!'); } // clean & test exploits foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if(is_string($val)) { $c[$key] = clean($val); testExploit($val); } else if(is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $vKey => $vVal) { $c[$key][$vKey] = clean($vVal); testExploit($vVal); } } } $fields = array_keys($c); // protect the variable $reserved_vars if(isset($reserved_vars)) { unset($reserved_vars); } $reserved_vars = array("css_file", "background_color", "background_image", "text_color", "link_color", "visited_link_color", "active_link_color", "font_name", "font_size", "highlight_color", "required_fields", "after_url", "check_email_address", "subject", "your_email_address", "env_report", "owner_name", "autoresponse", "response_subject", "response_mail", "dodosmail_header_file", "dodosmail_footer_file", "use_dodos_captcha", "use_dodos_captcha_typed"); // checking required fields // in case they used comma and space, replace if(strstr($required_fields, ", ")) { $required_fields = str_replace(", ", ",", $required_fields); } else { $required_fields = $required_fields; } $required_fields = explode(",", $required_fields); for($i = 0; $i < count($required_fields); $i++) { $required_var_name = $required_fields[$i]; ########## era aquí ################################# # $required_var_name = strProper($required_var_name); ########## era aquí ################################# if(empty($$required_var_name)) { include_dodosmail_header($dodosmail_header_file); echo "
Error - No has llenado el campo obligatorio ".dodosmail_error_handle($required_var_name)." \n";
echo "
echo "
Error - la casilla ".dodosmail_error_handle($email)." no es válida.\n";
echo "
echo "
Error - el texto de protección anti-spam ".dodosmail_error_handle($use_dodos_captcha_typed)." que ingresaste no coincide con el que se muestra en color .\n";
echo "
echo "
\n"; echo "El siguiente email ha sido despachado corectamente!
DodosMail v2.5
"; include_dodosmail_footer($dodosmail_footer_file); exit; } else { headfunction($after_url); } } else { include_dodosmail_header($dodosmail_header_file); echo "Error - este programa de correo tiene dificultades técnicas.\n
Por favor, envia tu mensaje a la casilla ".dodosmail_error_handle($your_email_address)." usando un programa de correos convencional.\n";
echo "
echo "