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ver ( 14 ) Publimails / Facilwebsite / AJPORRAS...@terra.es ver ( 12 ) Supermedios ocultar ( 12 ) e-comunicacionabierta.cl / Smart Systems Ltda. / Carrier 165 / Smartel
( 10 ) spam.intelinet.cl / Mass.cl / xyzchile.clNapoleón 3565 of. 412, Las Condes, Santiago Chile Teléfono: (56 - 2) 203 73 30 Fax: (56 - 2) 203 02 67 ventas@smart.cl - samsung@vtr.net Sitios asociado al mail: http://www.smart.cl/ http://www.tuhosting.cl/ ventas@tuhosting.cl http://www.smartel.cl/ info@smartel.cl smartlibre.cl mailactivo.cl smart.cl Informaciíón en NIC.CL Smart Systems Limitada (JAIME MANUEL ROESSLER FERNANDEZ) Contacto Administrativo: Pedro Navarrete Contacto Técnico: Pedro Navarrete Tipo de organización: comercial 2 From: Smart Systems Ltda. <smartel165@gmail.com> To: **@*****.*** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: Jan 24, 2006 12:26 PM Subject: PAGUE 1 IMPRESORA LASER Y LLEVESE 2 !! Received: from localhost ([] helo=mailserver.smart.cl) by mailserver.smart.cl Received: (from apache@localhost)by mailserver.smart.cl http://www.smart.cl Contacto: aqui Remover: ... Interesante este enlace: 3 From: Smart Systems Ltda. <smartel165@gmail.com> To: ******@*****.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: Feb 17, 2006 5:58 PM Subject: PAGUE 1 IMPRESORA LASER Y LLEVESE 2 !! Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (unknown [ ]) Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (mailserver.smart.cl []) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1) Received: (from apache@localhost) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1/Submit) id k1HKwvu6016377 X-Authentication-Warning: mailserver05.emarketingchile.com: apache set sender to smartel165@gmail.com using -f Contacto: Remover: Para Darse de baja, por favor haga clic aquí: 4 From: Carrier 165 de Smartel S.A. <smartel165@gmail.com> To: ***@*****.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: Feb 24, 2006 2:42 PM Subject: A SOLO $65 EL MINUTO A: PERU, BUENOS AIRES, EEUU, CANADA, CHINA, ALEMANIA, ESPANA, FRANCIA, AUSTRALIA, SUECIA, HONG KONG, ITALIA Y OTROS. Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (unknown [ ]) Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (mailserver.smart.cl []) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1) Received: (from apache@localhost) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1/Submit) Contacto: http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/smartel/mail_feb06/smartel.htm Remover:******@*****.** 5 From: Carrier 165 de Smartel S.A. <smartel165@gmail.com> To: ******@***.**** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: Feb 21, 2006 2:05 PM Subject: A SOLO $65 EL MINUTO A: PERU, BUENOS AIRES, EEUU, CANADA, CHINA, ALEMANIA, ESPANA, FRANCIA, AUSTRALIA, SUECIA, HONG KONG, ITALIA Y OTROS. Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (unknown [ ]) Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (mailserver.smart.cl []) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1) Received: (from apache@localhost) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1/Submit) X-Authentication-Warning: mailserver05.emarketingchile.com: apache set sender to smartel165@gmail.com using -f Contacto: http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/smartel/mail_feb06/smartel.htm http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/smartel/mail_feb06/smartel.htm Remover: 6 From: CFT Camara de Comercio de Santiago <camara01036@hotmail.com> Reply-To: CFT Camara de Comercio de Santiago <camara01036@e-comunicacionabierta.cl> To: *****@****.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: 02 Mar 2006 12:42:09 -0300 Subject: CURSOS DE CAPACION MARZO ******* Received: from server33 (unknown []) Received: from hotmail.com (pc17 [ ]) by server33 (8.13.1/8.13.1) Contacto: http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/camara/mail_mar06/camara.htm Remover: Si ya no desea seguir recibiendo Publicidad, haga clic Aquí:*** ó Envie un E-mail a remover@e-comunicacionabierta.cl Verifica 7 From: Smart Systems Ltda. <smartsystemsltda@gmail.com> Reply-To: (no tiene este campo) To: ********@*****.*** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: Mar 8, 2006 5:48 AM Subject: APPLE IPOD NANO, 1000 CANCIONES: $149.000 con IVA. Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (unknown [ ]) Received: from mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (mailserver.smart.cl []) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1) Received: (from root@localhost) by mailserver05.emarketingchile.com (8.13.1/8.13.1/Submit) Contacto: SMART SYSTEMS LTDA. Fono: 2-2037330 ventas@smart.cl http://www.smart.cl/tiendanuevo/product_info.php--Q-produ... Remover: Para darse de baja. por favor haga click aquí Sitios del Grupo: tuhosting.cl - smartel.cl - smartlibre.cl - mailactivo.cl - smart.cl Napoleón 3565, Oficina 412, Las Condes, Santiago Chile Teléfono: (56 -2) 203 73 30 Fax: (56 -2) 203 02 67 8 From: UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA SILVA HENRÍQUEZ - CENTRO DE EXTENSIÓN Y SERVICIOS silva20036@hotmail.com Verifica Reply-To: UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA SILVA HENRÍQUEZ - CENTRO DE EXTENSIÓN Y SERVICIOS silva20036@e-comunicacionabierta.cl Verifica To: *****@***.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: 20 Mar 2006 19:53:54 -0400 Subject: Programa 1º Semestre Formacion Permanente 2006 ########## Received: from server37 (unknown [ ]) IP conocida como origen de spam en news.admin.net-abuse.sightings Received: from hotmail.com (pc18 []) by server37 (8.13.1/8.13.1) Contacto: http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/ucsh/mail_mar06/ucsh.htm http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/contacto.asp Coordinador comercial: Victor Escudero vescudero@ces-ucsh.cl Verifica Remover: No tiene opcion para darse de baja de la lista. 9 10 From: Hosteria y Cabañas Kernayel, Pucon Chile kerna24036@hotmail.com Verifica Reply-To: "Hosteria y Cabañas Kernayel, Pucon Chile" kerna24036@e-comunicacionabierta.cl Verifica To: *****@****.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: 24 Mar 2006 20:02:47 -0400 Subject: Semana Santa en Pucon ########## Received: from server27 (unknown [ ]) Received: from hotmail.com (pc17 []) by server27 (8.13.1/8.13.1) Contacto: http://www.e-comunicacionabierta.cl/kernayel/mail_mar06/kernayel.htm Remover: Si no desea seguir recibiendo publicidad haga click aquí ó envie un e-mail a remover@e-comunicacionabierta.cl Verifica 11 From: MIZUNO DUNLOP EXPLORA dunlop24036@hotmail.com Verifica Reply-To: MIZUNO DUNLOP EXPLORA dunlop24036@hotmail.com Verifica To: *****@****.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: 25 Mar 2006 03:22:40 -0400 Subject: REMATE TOTAL Received: from server33 (unknown [ ]) Received: from hotmail.com (pc18 []) by server33 (8.13.1/8.13.1) Contacto: http://www.e-send.cl/sai/mail_mar06/sai.htm Remover: Si no desea seguir recibiendo publicidad haga click aquí ó envie un e-mail a remove@e-send.cl Verifica 12 From: Trustour Agencia de Viajes agencia24036@hotmail.com Verifica Reply-To: Trustour Agencia de Viajes agencia24036@hotmail.com Verifica To: *****@****.** <-- mi e mail correcto. Date: 25 Mar 2006 03:24:29 -0400 Subject: Con Aeréo Semana Santa en Buenos Aires ##########-XX## Received: from server33 (unknown [ ]) Received: from hotmail.com (pc18 []) by server33 (8.13.1/8.13.1) Contacto: http://www.e-send.cl/sai/mail_mar06/sai.htm Remover: Si no desea seguir recibiendo publicidad haga click aquí ó envie un e-mail a remove@e-send.cl Verifica ver ( 6 ) Conectapyme Ver la lista de candidatos y finalistas a spammers chilenos.
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